About Us.

Who We Are

We are a non-profit organization committed to helping Brainy but Needy Kids in Africa, starting from the Volta Region of Ghana. 

About the Founder

Billson Kettey, the founder of our organization, was born to farmer parents who never went to school. However, Billson deeply understands the importance of education and the impact it can make on children living in abject poverty. Born and raised on a cattle ranch in Ghana, Billson started herding his father’s cattle at the age of 7, until he turned 15 when he went to the first grade.

Working diligently and with the help of Jehovah God, instead of 15 years, he managed to complete all his coursework from primary through high school within ten years, not without consequences.

After high school, without the prospects of continuing his education at the university, he got a job as a research assistant at the Department of Sociology of the University of Ghana. Having worked there for six years, Billson left for Liberia. While in Liberia, he taught English at the Lutheran Training Institute for six years, then he left for the United States, where he graduated from the Borough of Manhattan Community College and the City College of the City University of New York from 1990 to 1992 with associate and bachelor’s degrees respectively and went on to Penn-State University to obtain his graduate degree in English Education. Upon completion of his graduate degree in 1996, he landed a job with the Saudi Government and taught at the Institute of Public Administration, Jeddah Chamber of Commerce, both in Jeddah and Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia.

When Billson finally returned to the United States in 2012, he worked on his memoir, entitled: Never Ever Too Late for Education; then, he moved from New York to Little Rock, Arkansas; then Billson got a teaching job at Shorter College, where he taught World Literature I and English composition II from 2015 to September 2021. He has now embarked on a new mission with Academic Rescue for the Underprivileged

What makes us different?

Founded in January 2022, Academic Rescue for the Underprivileged is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a mission to raise money and save brainy-but-needy students of the Volta Region of Ghana from sinking into oblivion. To serve the language need of immigrants and refugees who have just arrived in the United States of America without the knowledge of the English language or are ill-equipped with the English language skills. We will virtually cater to the English language need of the youth of Franco-phone countries, who are eager to learn English as a second language in order to sharpen their competitive edge in the marketplace.

Safe havens for support

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Good that grows

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Customized programs

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3 million+ children helped

25+ years of service

198 community centers

72 countries

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